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Frankenmexx #1

10. Februar

2023 Convention experiences soon!



My first Frankenmexx was a big success!
I must admit...starting with such big conventions maybe wasnt the best idea? Frankenmexx was just a whole different feeling than what I was used too from conventions so far. Yes. Its a small con. But it also ment that the people were able to take more time for everything. You werent overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff and had the opportunity to really talk to the people! And the staff was so friendly they constantly asked us if we´re alright!
It was my favourite con as an artist so far and considering expenses and income clearly the best!

Dokomi. Where do I even start?
Its overwhelming. Especially if its your first time! But dont let that stop you. I was able to meet so many people in real life that I´ve known from social media and it was amazing.
I also used this as an opportunity to finally meet up with some friends that helped me with my booth and that alone made my weekend.
A lot went wrong even before Dokomi started (like train issues and broken luggage wheels) but we made it and it was worth it!
I had a lot of new expenses due to upgrading my boot setup for a more serious approach and generall travel and booth cost so my finall income wasnt a lot. At all. But I knew that and I´m glad I was able to learn a lot I can work on for next year! I´ll be back Dokomi!





Comiccon Germany has always been my first contact with conventions and I love it dearly. It was only a matter of time since I would applay for a booth there since it was cheap and close to home. My setup was fairly simple because it was supposed to be a testrun if conventioning is really my thing and I can only recommend that to everyone. And take a friend with you! I was so glad my friend and fellow artist KirianYume was sharing a booth with me because especially at the beginning my nerves were all over the place. Overall I was so supprised that I actually got some income even with all the expenses!
I´m looking forward too be back soon!

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